Supervision is the place where the joys and challenges of working with clients can be shared, examined, held and learned from. I am committed to the person-centred model in my work as a supervisor. I aim to offer the core conditions to all supervision clients, and to support supervisees’ ongoing development as reflective practitioners who can work as professionally, ethically, safely, creatively and effectively as possible.
For me, a person-centred practitioner’s self-development and self-awareness are central to her/his capacity to offer the core conditions to clients. Accordingly, I support and encourage supervisees’ commitment to their own personal development work. I aim to work with them to develop a warm, trusting, respectful and robust relationship within which it is possible to go beyond the known and the safe—to take risks, and to explore all that client work involves and brings up. I encourage supervisees to evolve their own way of using supervision which feels most facilitative, useful and effective for them: where support and challenge combine to help the exploration, development and deepening of practice.